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Upgrading from Apple Watch Series 3 to Series 8

I recently upgraded my  Watch Series 3 42mm Cellular to the Series 8 45mm Cellular, and I can sum up my reaction to the change in one word: Wow...

How to revert your app's premium content if a user subscription lapses

In building Premium features into my SwiftUI app available with a subscription, one use case that I considered is, “What if someone cancels their subscription, or their subscription lapses?”

All VMware Products Approaching End Of General Support In 2022

They say all good things must come to an end. But in the world of software, it’s usually because there’s something newer and better to replace it!

Migrating A Paid App To Subscription/Freemium (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this 2-part series, I discussed the differences between the different pricing strategies developers are faced with in today’s app market.

Migrating A Paid App To Subscription/Freemium (Part 1)

If I’ve learned anything from developing apps, it’s that there’s always something to fix. Something to change. Something to improve. The work is never finished, and therein lies the demon...

Getting Started With Apple's In-App Events

At WWDC21, Apple introduced a new capability to developers called In-App Events which are timely events within your apps and games such as a game competition, a fitness challenge, a...

Announcing Artbox 2.7 - Crafting Memories

I’m thrilled to announce a major update to Artbox: version 2.7 - Crafting Memories.

We just enabled Apple Cash Family as an allowance system

Our oldest daughter turned 8 this month and is at a great age to start keeping an allowance for completing chores around the house. One challenge my wife and I...

Review of your app is taking longer than expected

Is your app review “taking longer than expected?” This can be so frustrating for a developer. Here’s what my experience was like!

Artbox 2 is now available!

The wait is finally over – Artbox 2 is live on the App Store!

Adding Haptic Feedback to your SwiftUI App

In developing Artbox 2, one thing I set out to accomplish was making the user experience more immersive and personable. One of the ways to achieve this is to add...

Virtual Backgrounds App now available for macOS

I’m very excited to announce that Virtual Backgrounds app is now available on macOS as a Mac Catalyst app! 🥳